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  • All
  • Business
  • Business continuity
  • CISO
  • Crisis Management
  • Cyber culture
  • Cybersecurity
  • Governance
  • Risk Management
  • Strategy
Cyber culture

Beyond end user’s cyber awareness & training

Why end users cyber awareness requires to engage & empower them.
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enterprise risk management

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) : it is time for a reboot not a rewind!

Entreprise Risk Management : after several months of lockdown, the word « risk » and its associated corporate avatars « risk management » and « ...
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crisis management
Business continuity

Crisis management and decision-making: avoiding pitfalls

Oxford University’s Saïd Business School has been leading some interesting webinars since early April 2020. One of them titled “Lessons from crisis management: Rapid innovation”, ...
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Business and operational resiliency
Business continuity

Business and operational resiliency: “de-siloization” of risk management & business continuity

Business and operational resiliency: “de-siloization” of risk management & business continuity : Within the current context, most organizations are becoming aware of the operational reality ...
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risk management

Risk management: it is not about compliance; it is about anticipation!

Risk management is not about compliance, nor is it about dealing solely with potential negative outcomes. Risk management is about anticipation, it is also about ...
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CISO: beyond technical expertise: leadership, communication & business acumen skills needed

The job of the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) or Information Systems Security Manager has already evolved considerably in recent years and it will certainly ...
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